Case Study
A. Wilm
Whilm is very fit and healthy as a personal trainer and nutrition coach. She’s also aware of changes happening inside her body and when something is off.
She came to me for a breathing assessment. She was recovering from a sickness that left her coughing and wheezing. She also wanted to lower her resting heart rate again and her anxiety levels.
We did the breathing assessment and she did a program I created for her completely on her own, checking in with me to give me updates.
How It Went
Recover from illness
Lower her resting heart rate to where it was pre sickness
Lower her anxiety levels.
Intake and breathing assessment: highly detailed medical history review, daily routines review, fitness assessment
I found the dysfunctional breathing patterns through the assessment, including low tolerance to CO2.
I had her switch from chest breathing to deep diaphragm breathing.
She worked on building her tolerance to CO2 levels.
Whilm worked on putting her body into recovery in-between workout sets and post workout by intentionally slowing her breathing down using the gear system I taught her.
Whilm started feeling a difference within the first week.
Within 2 months she was able to get her resting heart rate down by 4 bpm dropping from 49 to 45.
Her number one contributor to her recovery every day from life was her breathwork.
Her respiratory rate is at 15.4 from 15.8 and it’s continuing to drop.
Her sleep is improving. When she wakes in the middle of the night, she’s able to use the breathwork techniques I taught her to get back to sleep.
Her anxiety (especially through the holiday season) was cut in half.
"My resting heart rate is at its lowest! I’m also sleeping better and my recovery has improved since making the breathing changes"
— A. Wilm