Case Study

W. Klein


Klein came to me after experiencing extreme, repeat panic attacks that landed her in the hospital.

Klein has been taking care of her ill spouse. Over the past year, she’s been learning the ins and outs of their bills and how their house runs in preparation for her husband’s passing.

During this time, she repeatedly ended up in the hospital due to frequent panic attacks.

We started 6-week one on one corrective breathing program to lower her anxiety and put an end to the panic attacks.

How It Went

  • Lower overall anxiety and stop the panic attacks

    • Intake and breathing assessment: highly detailed medical history review, daily routines review.

    • I found the dysfunctional breathing patterns through the assessment.

    • 6 Weeks of one on one meetings where we reviewed how the previous week went, obstacles, and gave her homework to do for that week.

    • Each week we broke down a bad breathing habit and rebuilt a new breathing habit along with mindset shifts building one on top of each other. Taking an extra week to focus on one when she needed it.

  • Within the first week Klein found when her dysfunctional breathing patterns kicked into high gear- holding her breath, breathing into her chest, short and shallow breaths. Those were her stressors.

    By the end of week 2, she was disrupting those breathing patterns and resetting.

    By week 3 she was feeling a difference and noticing that she was feeling calmer.

    Week 4 she was breaking a down old, unhealthy mindset and turning her thoughts from negative to positive and realizing she couldn’t control what she was stressing over so she let it go.

    By week 5 she was having averaging more calm days than anxious ones.

    Week 6, she graduated! I gave her a couple more things to work on on her own.

    We had a check-in call two week later. She had barely felt anxious since graduating.

"I haven’t had anxiety in weeks"

— W. Klein